Creating Relevant Content for Your Key Audiences | TrizCom

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The Importance of Amplifying Your Content

Remember back in the day when all you had to worry about was sharing information on your brand's website and blog? Well, those days are long gone! To keep up in today's world, you must do more than post your content – you must amplify it. The more people see your content, the better the chances it will be shared. Creating relevant content is crucial for engaging your target audience and expanding your reach.

Where to Publish Your Content

You may ask yourself, "Where else do I publish my content?" Did you know there are more than 100 places to share your brand's owned content?

Some of TrizCom PR's favorite places to share our own and our partners' content are sites like Medium, LinkedIn, Quora, Reddit and, of course, your personal social media accounts. When creating relevant content, consider the platforms that best suit your target audience.

Creating Valuable Content for Your Key Audiences

But first, you have to create content, and it can't just be content for the sake of content. You need valuable content for your key audiences, such as your current customers/clients, past customers/clients, prospective customers/clients, LinkedIn network, partners and vendors.

Creating content might be intimidating at first – especially if you want that content to be re-shared on social media.

Sure, it's easier to share big news like announcements, partnerships or any big changes within your organization. But what about content in between those larger announcements?

Creating relevant content that is engaging keeps your current audiences active and prompts the possibility of targeting new audiences you want to speak with.

Finding Unique and Relevant Stories

The remaining question, however, is what other topical content can you create about your company, products or services? What other stories can your brand offer to media and social platforms that are engaging, unique, interesting and, most importantly, relevant?

That's where a PR firm like TrizCom Public Relations comes in handy. At TrizCom PR, we believe everyone has a story to tell, and we want to tell yours. Unlike other firms that wait for their clients to give them ideas, TrizCom PR actually finds stories about our partners that can reach their target audiences and potentially open the door for new opportunities. We often find stories our partners have never thought of because we observe your brand with fresh eyes and new perspectives.

Think Out of the Box When Creating Relevant Content

Companies tend to play it safe when producing content for their audiences. Although it isn't bad, boosting your engagement takes a little risk and creativity. Making bold predictions and taking different stances can prove beneficial in standing out ahead of other businesses. Although this approach may not be perfect all the time, it does help establish a unique identity for your brand.

The great thing about creating new content is that it's experimental. Monitoring content (Google Search Console and Google Analytics - open rates, unique URLs) to see how well it does is a great indicator of what works for your brand and what doesn't. There is an interim period full of brainstorming content ideas and trial and error, but sticking with it and producing material can set you apart once you find content that fits your brand and business.

Get Creative with Graphics

Informative and thought-provoking graphics are a surefire way to get people talking about your brand. High-quality graphics are not difficult to produce if you have a great designer or use tools. Free graphic websites such as Canva are made exclusively for individuals who don't understand Photoshop or simply don't have the time or finances to create graphics from scratch. Then there are freelance sites where designers are available to help. In particular, we like Fiverr.

Finding Content Ideas

If all else fails, the easiest way to discover content creation ideas is simply to read your industry news, blogs and posts. And when we say read, we actually mean devour. Think like your target audience: What are they reading and watching? What will be helpful for them? What will they find interesting enough to share?

At TrizCom PR, we are uberly creative, think outside the box, and are here to help make your content ideas a reality. Let us help you create relevant content that resonates with your target audience.

About TrizCom Public Relations

TrizCom Public Relations is an award-winning, full-service PR firm specializing in national PR. Pitch PR, a division of TrizCom PR, focuses on press release distribution with a pitch.

Everyone has a story to tell; let us be the ones to tell yours. Let's get to work.

Call us today for a free consultation. As we said, everyone has a story – let us help you tell it!

TrizCom Public Relations 972-247-1369