Zoom Interview Tips – 15 Tips for Media Interviews


While technology might have created new problems over the years, it can certainly be said that it’s solved a few, too. As the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States and nonessential workers turned remote, the use of communication alternatives greatly increased. Now as the pandemic continues, these platforms and web-based applications are still an integral part of communicating for work and personal calls. Be it text messaging, instant messenger apps, Go-To-Meetings or Zoom calls, the pivot to keep in contact is noticeable. It also means that as a PR agency, TrizCom PR is doing more expert source interviews via Zoom.

News stations with television journalists are simply not sending out their photojournalists and reporters—at least not very much, anyway. This means that we’re scheduling all of our partner’s news interviews via Zoom. One click of a link connects one of our expert sources with a journalist, usually on a tight deadline and conducting multiple interviews throughout the day full of questions and answers. It’s just our way of life for the time being. Fancy studios and green rooms are now our own living spaces—totally up close and personal.


Because our digital PR agency focuses on reputation management public relations, we thought this was the perfect time to give interviewees a few Zoom interview tips to ensure they represent their brand correctly. Remember, as the spokesperson for a company, those being interviewed become the face of the brand.

15 Tips for Media Interviews over Zoom

So, here are our tips on how individuals in the spotlight can represent themselves like an expert during a Zoom interview:

1.    Download your software

2.    Dress appropriately

3.    Your background

4.    Lighting

5.    Positioning the camera

6.    Stand; don’t sit

7.    Choose a quiet area

8.    Use an external mic or headset

9.    Test all connections before the interview

10. Turn off your recording devise alerts

11. Look at the camera, not the screen

12. Be aware of your facial expressions

13. Have your talking points in front of you

14. Check your sound and remember your pleasantries

15. Mind your Ps and Qs

To further offer insight, we’ve also made a video about these 15 tips for TV interviews:

With these tips, every interviewee will be sure to blow their interview out of the park. If you have a question or want to talk something through, give us a shout! We’re more than happy to work with brands to prepare them for the limelight! Everyone has a story, so let us help you tell yours.

TrizCom Public Relations