And the Award Goes to… Top 5 Reasons Industry Awards Are Good for Business

two women holding newspapers - Industry Awards

As public relations professionals, we are often like the proverbial cobbler’s children that don’t have shoes – we’re so busy working to keep our clients in the news that we forget to take time to promote ourselves. Throughout the year, we find ourselves preparing award applications for our clients, so it seems like a no-brainer that we would do the same for ourselves.

Hollywood may recognize award season each fall, but we tend to kick things into gear every summer for PRSA Dallas’ annual Pegasus Awards, which highlight the best public relations campaigns in the DFW Metroplex.

Over the past two years that we’ve participated, TrizCom has managed to bring home six awards. I know what you’re probably thinking … is the time investment really worth having shiny hardware displayed on your shelf? And the answer is yes, because awards are good for business.

4 women on stage accepting an award

Reasons why awards have been good for our business

Here are just a few reasons why awards have been good for our business and the clients we work with.

J.D. Power Effect

When you tell others how awesome you are, it’s bragging, but if you’re included on a J.D. Power list of people who are awesome, it’s proof. This credibility provides you with a third-party endorsement that validates your awesomeness.

Employee Morale Boost

Employees want to be recognized for their hard work. When they feel valued for what they do, work becomes more than just a job – it’s a mission. In turn, they are willing to work harder and give more when their time and talent are appreciated. The recognition of award-winning work is guaranteed to provide a morale boost that will keep employees happy and on staff.

Talent Acquisition

By showing off the great things your team can do, you’re able to attract top talent who also wants to be a part of the action. During tough times, awards provide a vote of confidence to potential employers of companies that might be more likely to pull through.


Your shiny award is lovely to keep on a shelf, but there is much more you can do with it. Start with drafting a press release announcing your big win. Keep the momentum going year-round by repurposing it on your website, business cards, email signature and social media.

Business Procurement

Customers want to be associated with winning companies. A study conducted by Hendricks & Singhal of the University of Western Ontario and Georgia Institute of Technology revealed that more than 600 quality corporate award winners had 37 percent more sales growth than their peers. When prospective clients note that your business has been recognized, it might be the differentiator over your competition, because you're seen as the best at what you do.

woman holding five music awards

In the past few years, TrizCom has successfully won recognition for our clients and individuals in local, regional and national media outlets. Want to be the Beyoncé of your business? We can help with that. Just give us a call at 972-247-1369 or drop us a line at