Gratitude – what does it mean to me? It means family. It means loyalty. It means commitment.
By Jo Trizila, TrizCom PR
PR Founder Gives Thanks
When I started TrizCom nine years ago, I never dreamed of working with the likes of Dillon Gage Metals for more than eight years, Massage Envy for almost six years, Operation Kindness for more than five years and the list goes on.
The tenure of a PR client is said to be between two to three years and yet we have a group of clients who have far surpassed that average. I have to ask myself why. Sure we do good work, but this kind of tenure isn’t all based on ROI and analytics.
I think it comes down to a simple principle — we treat clients, partners and journalists like family. When we sign a new client, we celebrate a birth. When we lose a client, we grieve. We strive to go above and beyond and always do the right thing. It may not always make the best business sense, but we all sleep well at night. When our clients are successful, by extension we’re successful. When journalists get a good story, we’re successful. When a staffer lands a big media placement, we’re all successful.
I wish you could see our office when we land a major win for a client – it’s literally like Romper Room. We high five, scream, yell, and we congratulate one another. This collaborative joy is not artificial or manufactured, but rather honest and pure.
Yes, we have received awards for our work, built amazing buzz for our clients, employed some really creative promotions, but it is the people we remember. People we honestly like. We get to know them, grow with them, and celebrate with them.
David Apple, CMO of Legacy ER & Urgent Care recently wrote a Google review on our behalf, stating:
“The TrizCom team have been instrumental in our recent growth and helping us mount a well-received communication plan. Fun, creative and extremely responsive. We basically got 24-hour service, and needed it on occasion. The Legacy ER & Urgent Care team considers TrizCom PR part of our own family.”
At the end of the day, this sentiment is what it’s all about for me as the founder of TrizCom PR.
I will never forget sitting in an interview with Bernard Perrine, CEO and co-founder of SocialCentiv. One of his quotes resonated with me, “Don’t love the business, because it won’t love you back. Instead, love the people that you built the business with.” I couldn’t agree more. It all comes back to a family mentality.
So, on this eve before the day we give thanks, I want to personally thank all those who have helped pave the way for TrizCom Public Relations over the years, and those who continue to make a mark. Thank you.
Thank you for allowing us to do what we love with people that we truly care about. From the TrizCom Family to your family, Happy Thanksgiving.
In closing, here are just a few recent stories that we’re all immensely thankful for.
CBS 11 Dallas – Heroes for Children - Marriage Preparations as Bride Heads to Hospice
CBS 11 Dallas – Workforce Solutions Dallas - Dallas Job Fair Focused On Helping Veterans
CNBC – Dillon Gage - Gold Sales Heat Up In Europe After Trump Win, But Not In The U.S.
Dallas Business Journal – Soulman’s Bar-B-Que - 'The Sky Is The Limit' As Soulman's Bar-B-Que Prepares To Launch Franchising Program
D Magazine - Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition Things To Do In Dallas Tonight: Nov. 23 Hold your gratitude for one more day, please
Forbes – Legacy ER & Urgent Care - 7 Ways to Avoid or Reduce Medical Debt
Reuters News Agency – Dillon Gage - Gold Sales Heat Up in Europe After Trump Win, But Not in the U.S.
Restaurant News - Soulman's Bar-B-Que - Soulman's Bar-B-Que Launches North Texas Franchise Initiative
North Dallas Gazette - Transformance - Abolish the Consumer Finance Protection Board? Nonsense.
Southlake Style - Operation Kindness - Help Support Operation Kindness' Holiday Happenings
Suburban Paper - Soulman's Bar-B-Que - Soulman's Bar-B-Que Puts Turkey On The Table for Those In Need