Media Spokesperson for Companies and Brands

Media Spokesperson for Companies and Brands

A media spokesperson's role is to articulate key messages and be a go-to resource when media comes knocking. Read how TrizCom PR helps prepare spokespeople. Read more about the media spokesperson’s role in TrizCom PR’s newest blog, The Important Role A Media Spokesperson Plays for Companies and Brands blog.

Minutes Count In Crisis Communications – You Need A Plan

Minutes Count In Crisis Communications – You Need A Plan

We say this often, do you have a crisis plan? Nine times out of 10, the answer is no. If you don't listen to any other public relations counsel, please listen to this: Every business should have a crisis management plan and a social media crisis plan before a crisis hits. Crisis management plans and social media crisis plans are complementary; the strategies will be similar, but there will be significantly different outputs, also known as tactics. TrizCom PR expertly lays out a blueprint for every crisis communications plan.

Strategies for Building and Maintaining Trust

Strategies for Building and Maintaining Trust

Discover effective strategies for building and maintaining trust with your customers during a crisis, based on insights from the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer.

Is Your Company Prepared for a Crisis?

Is Your Company Prepared for a Crisis?

Is your company prepared for a crisis? Ensure your preparedness for a PR crisis with TrizCom PR. From issues management to immediate crises, we offer expert guidance in mitigating potential issues and protecting your brand's reputation. With extensive experience in crisis communications, our proactive and reactive crisis management services help you develop crisis management plans and control messages effectively. Answer our crucial questions to assess your readiness and consider hiring TrizCom PR, a trusted firm with national and international experience in high-profile campaigns. Safeguard your brand with strategic crisis response strategies.

Why Brands Need To Care What Is Being Said About Them

Why Brands Need To Care What Is Being Said About Them

Learn why brand reputation and public opinion matter, the impact negative press can have on consumers' perception of your brand, and how to protect and build a positive reputation with online PR strategies.

Life In PR: Not the Vacation I Planned: Real Life PR

Life In PR: Not the Vacation I Planned: Real Life PR

My account of what happened on our Carnival Liberty vacation and the tips for conducting spot news during a breaking news story....Bulldog Reporter: Not the Vacation I Planned: Tragedy Transitions Vacationing PR Pro Into Media Relations Juggernaut.