TrizCom Public Relations

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Six Mistakes to Avoid in Writing a Press Release

Are you making mistakes to avoid in writing a press release that are causing journalists to hit delete? Crafting compelling, informative releases that stand out is crucial in today's crowded media landscape. However, many PR pros fall into common traps that undermine their efforts. Here are some key mistakes to avoid in writing a press release.

Don't Rely on Clichés and Overused Phrases

One of the biggest mistakes to avoid in writing a press release is using hackneyed phrases and clichés. Expressions like "spring has sprung" or "at the end of the day" may be easy to remember, but they do little to convey meaningful information and can quickly turn off readers. Instead of falling back on tired language, challenge yourself to find fresh, original ways to communicate your message.

Avoid Empty Buzzwords and Unsubstantiated Claims

Another common mistake to avoid in writing a press release is loading up your release with empty buzzwords and unsubstantiated claims. Phrases like "cutting-edge technology" or "innovative market leader" may sound impressive, but without concrete details to back them up, they ring hollow. Focus on conveying factual information and let your product or service speak for itself.

Use Plain Language, Not Jargon

Using industry jargon or technical terms can be another mistake to avoid in writing a press release that alienates readers. While you want to demonstrate expertise, using overly complex language can obscure your main points. Strive for clarity and concision, and explain any necessary technical concepts in accessible terms.

Avoid Hyperbole and Exaggeration

Finally, resist the temptation to stuff your press release with superlatives and exaggerated claims - another mistake to avoid in writing a press release. Words like "revolutionary" or "world-class" should be used sparingly, if at all. Instead, provide specific, measurable details that demonstrate the value of your announcement.

By avoiding these mistakes when writing a press release and focusing on crafting informative, engaging, and original content, you can ensure your press releases get the attention they deserve and effectively communicate your message to your target audience.

Elevate Your PR Game with TrizCom Public Relations

Ready to improve your press release writing and overall PR strategy? At TrizCom Public Relations, our experienced team is here to help. With our insider knowledge and proven track record of success, we can help you craft compelling, impactful press releases that get results.

Don't let common mistakes hold you back from achieving your PR goals. Partner with TrizCom today and let us help you:

  • Develop a unique, powerful brand voice

  • Create engaging, informative press releases that journalists will actually want to read

  • Secure valuable media placements and coverage

  • Boost your brand's visibility and reputation

  • And much more!

Contact TrizCom Public Relations today to learn more about our services and how we can help elevate your PR game. Call us at 972-247-1369 or visit to get started.

Let's work together to create PR campaigns that truly resonate with your target audiences and drive meaningful results for your business.