#2 Changing Lives Together: Team Escalade Texas – Cause Marketing

Cause Marketing graphic

Celebrating 15 years of excellence, TrizCom PR takes a heartfelt journey down memory lane, reminiscing about the remarkable projects that have shaped our agency's success. As we honor our rich history, we proudly present a hand-picked collection of our top 15 earned media clips, promotions and campaigns that have captivated audiences, ignited change and elevated brands. Today, we invite you to join us on this nostalgic voyage as we revisit the unforgettable moments that have propelled TrizCom PR to become the industry powerhouse it is today. Embracing the spirit of teamwork and innovation, we kick off our countdown with a special highlight: Team Escalade Texas, securing its place as the second extraordinary milestone in our prestigious collection.

Team Escalade Texas

In 2011, Texas Cadillac dealers launched its Team Escalade Texas, a multimarket multimedia campaign in Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Austin and San Antonio supporting six charities backed by 19 celebrities to promote its 2012 Escalade. At the time, the Cadillac Escalade was the number one selling full-size luxury SUV in America, built in Arlington, Texas.

The idea to incorporate a charitable component into the promotion was partly due to the effects of the 2008-2010 automotive industry crisis. Team Escalade enhanced Cadillac’s brand image while also making a positive impact on society.

This promotion was a story of compassion, hope and the incredible power of teamwork that united communities across Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Austin and San Antonio. Let me introduce you to Team Escalade Texas.

With a shared vision to make a difference, Team Escalade Texas embarked on a remarkable journey backed by 19 celebrities and an unwavering determination to change lives. Their mission? To spotlight six remarkable charitable organizations and inspire fellow Texans to join their cause.

The charities that were at the heart of this extraordinary campaign:

·         CureDuchenne

·         Taylor's Gift

·         Love Hope Strength Foundation

·         Ronald McDonald House Charities

·         Special Olympics Texas

·         The YMCA

But it wasn't just the charities that made this campaign special. It was the remarkable celebrities who lent their voices, their hearts and their unwavering support to the cause. Led by the indomitable team captain, Drew Pearson, these stars became beacons of hope for those in need.

Their dedication, both on and off the field/court/rink/pool/mat, demonstrated the true meaning of fame by using it for a greater purpose. These celebrities showcased their genuine compassion and ignited a spark of hope within the hearts of Texans everywhere.

CureDuchenne and Taylor's Gift emerged victorious, capturing the hearts of Texans and inspiring an outpouring of support for their remarkable causes. Their triumphs represent the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact we can create when we come together.

Read more about Team Escalade Texas https://www.trizcom.com/team-escalade-texas-whitepaper or https://www.trizcom.com/automotive-pr-cadillac-case-study.

Team Escalade Texas Press (Representational):


Check out TrizCom’s #1 of 15 Top Earned Media Clips, Promotions and Campaigns - "The Healing Touch" – Massage Envy and Sarah Lewinski

More about Cause Marketing PR

Five people jumping up and down - Cause Marketing

How can I choose the right charitable cause to align with my promotion?

To choose the right cause to align with your promotion, you can follow these steps:

Identify your values: Determine what causes or social issues are important to you. Think about the areas where you would like to make a positive impact.

  1. Research potential causes: Conduct thorough research on different causes that align with your values. Look into their mission, goals and impact. Consider factors such as relevance to your industry, target audience and societal impact.

  2. Assess alignment: Evaluate how well each cause aligns with your brand and promotion. Consider if the cause resonates with your target audience and if it complements your brand image and values.

  3. Consider partnerships: Explore potential partnerships with organizations or non-profits that are already working on the cause you are interested in. Collaborating with established entities can enhance your credibility and maximize your impact.

  4. Evaluate resources: Assess the resources you can allocate towards supporting the cause. This includes financial resources, time, expertise and networks. Ensure that you can commit to the cause effectively.

  5. Measure impact: Consider how you can measure the impact of your promotion on the chosen cause. Set clear goals and metrics to evaluate the success of your alignment.

Remember, it is important to choose a charitable cause that genuinely resonates with your brand and values. Authenticity and genuine commitment are key to making a positive impact and building strong connections with your audience.


Donation box - Cause Marketing

What are some effective ways to communicate the charitable component in my promotional messages?

When communicating the charitable component in your promotional messages, there are several effective ways you can do so:

  1.  Clear messaging: Ensure that your messaging clearly communicates the charitable component of your promotion. Use concise and compelling language to highlight the specific cause or organization you are supporting.

  2.  Storytelling: Share stories that illustrate the impact of the charitable component. Use real-life examples or case studies to create an emotional connection with your audience. Highlight how their involvement or purchase contributes to making a difference.

  3.  Visual representation: Utilize visual elements such as images, videos or infographics to visually convey the charitable aspect. Show the work being done, the beneficiaries or the progress being made. Visuals can evoke empathy and reinforce the message effectively.

  4.  Collaborate with the cause: Partner directly with the cause or organization you are supporting. Co-create content, feature their logo or include testimonials from their representatives. This collaboration adds credibility and reinforces the authenticity of your promotion.

  5.  Call-to-action: Clearly state how your audience can participate or contribute to the charitable component. Provide actionable steps, such as making a donation, sharing the message on social media or purchasing specific products to support the cause.

  6.  Transparency: Be transparent about how the funds or resources generated through your promotion will be used for the charitable cause. Share information about the percentage or amount donated, specific projects supported or any other relevant details.

  7.  Engage your audience: Encourage your audience to get involved and share their own stories or experiences related to the cause. Create a sense of community and provide platforms for them to engage and contribute further.

Remember to align your messaging and communication style with your brand's tone and values. By effectively communicating the charitable component, you can inspire your audience to act and make a positive impact alongside your promotion.

People packing food boxes - Cause Marketing


How can I build successful partnerships with nonprofit organizations for my promotion?

Building successful partnerships with nonprofit organizations for your promotion can be achieved by following these steps:

  1.  Identify your objectives: Determine the specific goals and objectives you want to achieve through the partnership. Clarify how the nonprofit organization can help you in reaching those goals.

  2.  Research potential nonprofits: Conduct thorough research to identify nonprofit organizations that align with your brand values and the cause you want to support. Consider their reputation, history and impact in the community.

  3.  Establish common ground: Identify shared values and goals between your brand and the nonprofit organization. This alignment will strengthen the partnership and create a more meaningful collaboration.

  4.  Reach out and initiate communication: Contact the nonprofit organization and express your interest in partnering with them. Clearly explain your proposal, highlighting the mutual benefits and how your promotion can help advance their cause.

  5.  Collaborative planning: Work together with the nonprofit organization to develop a detailed plan for the partnership. Define the roles, responsibilities and expectations of both parties. Discuss strategies, timelines and desired outcomes.

  6.  Creatively integrate the cause: Find innovative ways to integrate the cause into your promotion. This could include designing co-branded materials, featuring the nonprofit's logo or spokesperson or creating joint campaigns that highlight the partnership.

  7.  Provide support: Offer several types of support to the nonprofit organization. This could involve financial contributions, in-kind donations, volunteering or leveraging your brand's resources and networks to benefit their cause.

  8.  Measure and communicate impact: Establish metrics to measure the impact of your partnership. Regularly communicate the progress and outcomes to both internal and external stakeholders, highlighting the positive results achieved through the collaboration.

  9. Long-term commitment: Aim for a long-term partnership rather than a one-time collaboration. Building a sustained relationship with a nonprofit organization can lead to greater impact and foster a sense of trust and loyalty among your audience.

  10. Evaluate and adapt: Continuously evaluate the partnership's effectiveness and make necessary adjustments. Seek feedback from both your team and the nonprofit organization to identify areas of improvement and ensure ongoing success.

Remember, successful partnerships with nonprofit organizations require open communication, shared goals and a genuine commitment to making a positive impact. Collaboration and mutual support are key to building a strong and fruitful partnership.

People packing food boxes - Cause Marketing


What are some unique ideas for engaging promotional activities with charitable components?

When it comes to engaging promotional activities with charitable components, here are some unique ideas to consider:

  1. Limited-time promotions: Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity by running limited-time promotions where a portion of the proceeds goes to the chosen charitable cause. Encourage your audience to participate within a specific time frame to maximize impact.

  2. User-generated content campaigns: Launch a campaign where customers or followers can contribute by sharing their own stories, photos or videos related to the cause. For each piece of user-generated content shared, make a donation to the charity. This encourages engagement and creates a community around the cause.

  3. Charity auctions or raffles: Organize an online auction or raffle where the prizes are unique experiences, products or services. Donate the proceeds to a charitable cause. Promote the event widely and involve influencers or celebrities to attract more participants.

  4. Buy-one-give-one promotions: Implement a buy-one-give-one model where for every product purchased, a similar item is donated to those in need. This not only promotes your products but also creates a direct impact by providing essential items to underserved communities.

  5. Volunteer initiatives: Encourage your employees and customers to participate in volunteer activities related to the cause you support. Organize group volunteer days or offer paid time off for employees to engage in community service. Share the experiences and impact through social media and other channels.

  6. Donation matching campaigns: Inspire your audience to donate by offering to match their contributions up to a certain amount. This doubles the impact and motivates more people to participate. Clearly communicate the matching campaign and the impact it will have on the chosen cause.

  7. Co-branded merchandise: Create co-branded merchandise in collaboration with the charitable organization. Offer these products for sale, with a portion of the proceeds going to the cause. This allows your audience to support the cause while receiving a tangible item that represents the partnership.

  8. Fundraising challenges: Organize fundraising challenges or events that encourage your audience to actively participate and raise funds for the cause. This could include virtual runs, walks or creative challenges. Provide incentives or rewards to those who achieve fundraising milestones.

  9. Educational campaigns: Develop educational campaigns that raise awareness about the cause and provide valuable information to your audience. Create engaging content such as videos, blog posts or webinars that highlight the importance of the cause and how individuals can get involved.

  10. Impact reports and testimonials: Regularly share impact reports and testimonials from the charitable organization to demonstrate the positive outcomes of your promotional activities. Highlight the lives impacted, stories of success and progress made through the partnership.

Remember to tailor these ideas to your specific brand and the cause you are supporting. Be creative, authentic and ensure that the activities align with your overall promotional strategy and the values of your target audience.


measurement tape

How can I measure the impact of my promotions with charitable components?

Measuring the impact of your promotions with charitable components is important to understand the effectiveness of your efforts and to communicate the value of your contribution. Here are some ways to measure impact:

  1. Set clear objectives: Define specific goals and objectives you want to achieve through your promotion. These could include fundraising targets, awareness metrics or behavioral changes. Having clear objectives will guide your measurement efforts.

  2. Track financial contributions: Keep a record of the financial contributions made through your promotion. This includes the total amount donated, the number of transactions and the average donation size. This data helps quantify the direct financial impact of your promotion.

  3. Monitor engagement metrics: Track engagement metrics related to your promotion, such as website traffic, social media interactions and email open rates. Analyze the reach and engagement of your promotional messages to gauge audience interest and involvement.

  4. Measure social media impact: Assess the impact of your promotion on social media platforms. Monitor the number of shares, likes, comments and mentions related to the charitable component of your promotion. This indicates the level of awareness and engagement generated.

  5. Conduct surveys or feedback forms: Gather feedback from your audience through surveys or feedback forms. Ask specific questions about their perception of the promotion and the impact it had on their understanding or support of the cause. This provides qualitative insights into the effectiveness of your promotion.

  6. Partner organization reports: Collaborate with the nonprofit or charitable organization you are supporting to collect impact data from their end. They can provide information on how the funds or resources contributed through your promotion have been utilized and the outcomes achieved.

  7. Monitor behavioral changes: Look for changes in consumer behavior that indicate the impact of your promotion. This could include an increase in donations, a rise in volunteer sign-ups or a shift in customer loyalty. Analyze data and patterns to identify any positive changes linked to your promotion.

  8. Conduct post-promotion analysis: After the promotion, analyze your sales data, website metrics and other relevant data points to compare against pre-promotion benchmarks. Look for any notable increases or changes that can be attributed to the charitable component.

  9. Impact storytelling: Collect personal stories, testimonials or case studies from individuals or communities that have directly benefited from your promotion. Use these stories to illustrate the tangible impact of your efforts and share them through various channels.

  10. Regular reporting: Create periodic reports to summarize the impact of your promotions with charitable components. Share these reports with stakeholders, including your team, partners and customers, to showcase the progress made and the difference you've contributed.

Remember that measuring impact may involve a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Continuously evaluate and adapt your measurement strategies to ensure ongoing improvement and accountability in your charitable efforts.